Folio Red
January 15th, 2024

Name And Icon

This blog has a name, at least for the moment: Folio.

Not entirely sure what I hope to write here, but it'll probably be random things I build that I want to document. I'm kinda hoping that the private posts will be added, as I'd like to be able to use those for things not quite for public consumption.

And Folio now has an icon, generated using DALL-E:

DALL-E generated image. Prompt: a icon suitable for a website of a green folio slightly opened on a white background
DALL-E generated image. Prompt: a icon suitable for a website of a green folio slightly opened on a white background

Except, I didn't like the drop shadow. So after a few minutes in Acorn, I was able to remove it and replace it with a transparent background:

Folio icon.
Folio icon.

Yeah, that'll work.